Product details
- SKU Upgrade-001
Extend Warranty from 1 year, to 2 years on electrical, bags can not have any bruising, rub marks or scrapes, customer pays shipping both ways.
Please visit or PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS page to view our instructions.
Our products are built to order in our manufacturing facility in Mesa, Arizona.
Current lead times:
- Control Arms - 6 - 8 weeks
- Struts - 4 - 6 weeks
- Brackets (Specialty) - 1 - 2 weeks
- 4 Link Kits - 3 - 4 weeks
- Street Scrapers - 4 - 6 weeks
- I-Beams - 4 - 6 weeks
- Rollpans - 2 - 3 weeks
- Grilles - 2 - 3 weeks